The wonderful campus of Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Pune…. but this post is not about the campus, gorgeous as it is!

It has been a great a day for us today!
I am delighted to inform you that the Ministry of Corporate Affairs ( MCA ) has initiated the exercise of the Feedback survey of the Pilot project, Prime Minister’s Internship Scheme (PMIS), and concurrent evaluation of the scheme through the National Foundation for Corporate Governance ( NFCG ) and four Institutes. SIBM Pune is one of the 4, the others being DSE, IIM – Bangalore, and the Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs. We have been allotted East and North East India territory for the same. This could be a great way of enhancing our visibility in government circles, and also help us in perception for rankings, as well as accreditations… this has been on the basis of the earlier analysis done by us for the MCA and the NFCG, which they have highly appreciated!
I am also happy to inform you that the Department of Personnel and Training ( DOPT ), Govt of India, has shortlisted SIBM Pune for the first short-term program on Corporate Governance… this is our entry into the Govt training business, where we were trying for a long time to get empaneled… finally made it 😁!! We have also confirmed our partnership with CII division.. we will now be signing an MOU for a long term association… 😀!! TCM
Now this is what I meant when I said… it never rains in SIBM Pune … it pours!!
SIU SIBMPune Symbiosisflagship corporateengagement placementsuccess SIBMPuneEMBA SIBMPuneMDPs NIRFRank13 NBAAccreditedProgram NFCG MCA CII DOPT newengagements partnerships
Dr. Vidya Yeravdekar
Dr Ramakrishnan Raman