An evening full of fun, nostalgia, sentiments, and bonding at #EncoreWest yesterday in Mumbai, organized by Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Pune !!

An evening which saw an outstanding turnout, where alumni from the senior most batches mingled and interacted with recent alums… an evening where a little entertainment, a little remembering, and a whole lot of conversations happened….
It was indeed such a pleasure when I met alums who were my students a decade and a half ago.. and also those from earlier and later batches.. ( being the senior most present yesterday, I can safely call them juniors though they are so senior in their respective fields, and where students look up to them so much 😉 – one of the advantages seniority does give you 😀 ) And what was so heartwarming was the affection they all held towards their Alma Mater.. and were so willing to support it, whatever be the calling!!
Alumni are indeed the true strength of any institution, and particularly SIBM Pune … where they have stood by us through every single thing… a huge shoutout to all who came yesterday in their hundreds… and to those who couldn’t make it… some even had marriages to attend, but still made it a point to come for some time… amazing !! We and our Alumni are so happy we could facilitate this get together and bring them back again together… there were a few who attended for the first time, and were simply overwhelmed by the bonding experience… We are also happy that we could share what the Institute is doing, and what are our plans going forward.. a wonderful evening indeed!! Thank you, all our wonderful alumni, for spending these precious moments with us yesterday 🙏 !! We will look forward to meeting you soon again! Thanks also to our Pro Chancellor, TeamDr. Vidya Yeravdekar, and our Vice Chancellor Dr Ramakrishnan Raman, who have always been so supportive to SIBM Pune !!
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