I did say a few days back, that it doesn’t rain in Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Pune, it pours!!

And a sure sign of that is when one doesn’t even get time to post on LinkedIn!! At the moment, we are preparing for Republic tomorrow, which DaySIBM Pune is hosting for SYMBIOSIS INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY, for the Lavale campus, tomorrow!
We also welcomed Prof Amit, from the University of Adelaide to SrivastavavaSIBM Pune and a short but sharp discussion on multiple avenues of collaboration, including participation in 2026, faculty- student exchange, joint research and publication, co- taught classes, Scholar in residence programs, etc. Our thanks to INDAMDr. Anupama S. Kotur (Kaddi) for facilitating this!
We are also now looking forward to our Encore, our Alumni Meet in Mumbai on the 1st of February, 2025… attendance at each meet seems to be increasing every time! We have more than 450 RSVPs for the Mumbai meet… a record in itself!! Really looking forward to meeting all my fellow alums!! West
And of course the routine activities like Academics, evaluations, MDPs ( yes, even MDPs are becoming routine now 😀 )… are going on in parallel, as are multiple student events which our respective teams are posting about separately… well and truly said, SIBM Pune never sleeps!!
SIU SIBMPune Symbiosisflagship corporateengagement placementsuccess SIBMPuneEMBA SIBMPuneMDPs NIRFRank13 NBAAccreditedProgram internationalcollaborations EncoreWest AlumniMeetMumbai