It is often said, that events, activities and other things don’t just rain down in Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Pune, but they pour down!!

I returned from the conference in Kolkata yesterday, and immediately plunged into a whirlwind of activities!! The launch of yet another MDP with INDAMLarsen & Toubro, which started today… followed by sessions for students and faculty by Prof. Dr. Karlheinz Schwuchow, from the Center for International Management Studies Hochschule, Germany, and then of course the much awaited Bremen for the shortlist process was declared today!! This is of course apart from all the other routine stuff which had piled up in my absence…it is well and truly said, that GEPISIBM Pune never sleeps… our sincere thanks to our Vice Chancellor Dr Ramakrishnan Raman for his super fast approval of the shortlist!!
A very crucial period begins now, as we head into the process, which will end on the 16th of February… would like to wish all shortlisted aspirants all the very best, and congratulations on being shortlisted from 78000+ applications for the regular MBA program, over 12000 for the MBA ( Innovation and Entrepreneurship ) program… and a quick word of appreciation for our GEPIAspirant Relations Team, SIBM Pune, ( ) for the incredible work they do before and during the process!! ART
SIU SIBMPune Symbiosisflagship corporateengagement placementsuccess SIBMPuneEMBA SIBMPuneMDPs NIRFRank13 NBAAccreditedProgram GEPI shortlist allthebest LnT