A different sort of post today…

Posted By Shrirang Altekar

Published On: February 24, 2024Categories: Featured0 Comments on A different sort of post today…
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I received a call late last evening from our Hon’ble Pro Chancellor, Dr. Vidya Yeravdekar Mam, that 2 of her friends
Dr. Sanjay and Dr. Shubhada Suri had come to Pune and it would be a good idea for them to interact with students of SIBM Pune. They ( the Drs. Suri ) have developed an innovative app, #Premseva, designed to raise awareness about geriatric care among families of elderly people and caregivers.

Dr Vidya Mam felt that if they could interact with our tech savvy students from the Innovation and Entrepreneurship program, the students and they both would be benefitted as they could get more ideas about how to promote the same. Dr Vidya Mam asked if the interaction could be arranged today…. and of course, SIBM was ready! As I was / am still in Delhi for the alumni meet today, the responsibility fell on the shoulders of our capable Deputy Director ( Admin ), Dr. Madhura Bedarkar to organize the meeting session.

Students from our MBA (Innovation & Entrepreneurship) program, the Innovation Council, the PR Team, and the Product Management & Technology Club actively participated in the discussion. Several ideas were discussed, the summary of which will be shared with them soon…SIBM Pune students always rise to the occasion!! It was indeed very kind of Dr Vidya Mam to personally come and introduce them to our team, and the team is thrilled about it! It was indeed a valuable opportunity for the team to learn, and engage with such inspiring individuals….

And now soon we shall head for Encore North, the Almuni Meet in Delhi… looking forward to that… but more about that tomorrow!