Living every moment!-A day at SIBM

Posted By SIBM Student

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I turn off the alarm for the sixth time and finally wake up to my phone flashing 8.30 am and a dozen reminders. I curse my habit of staying up till late and begin my day by scrolling all the Facebook newsfeed and checking out Instagram photos. I love checking out the SIBM Pune Facebook page and Twitter handle! In these modern times, networking is the key to a successful future.

After a friend’s birthday celebration at the recreation room last night with the mandatory ice cream cake cutting and a few hours spent on reading up a bit for the quiz today, I had finally dozed off. Skipping breakfast wasn’t really recommended, but I was late and punctuality is not only appreciated, but also expected at SIBM. Grabbing a coffee from SymbiEat, out merciful canteen, I hurried into the Microeconomics class. The business newspaper that I subscribe for, lay untouched in my room. However, the test was a clever array of questions and I tried to be as creative as I could and patted myself for the performance.

As usual, I slunk away from the group of geeks discussing the paper to join the creative ones like me. There was an event to plan and I had lots on my hands! After a few more classes, I finally made it to lunch at around 1pm and sat among my huge group of new found friends here at SIBM. I love meals here, as they give us opportunities to discuss current happenings. Also, I love the lassi that they serve at the mess these days.

Many of the students make their way to the library. I just shrug and move to one of the Team rooms of the Student’s Council to discuss the budget for an upcoming event with my team. At a student driven Institute such as SIBM, the responsibility of keeping the college functioning smooth and perfect lies on our shoulders and we aim to carry out our duties well. After all, isn’t this what management is all about?

As I finish off with my work here, I realize that it is almost 5pm and I rush to meet my Marketing Management assignment group. I loved the assignment as it included creating and marketing a fictitious product of our own! Bless the professors for coming up with innovative assignments! As we brainstormed and made an impressive presentation, it was dinner time. But I had plans today, a birthday dinner.

Late night, as I returned to my room, I opened my class notes and unfurled the newspapers with a sigh. After all, there is no escape from studies! Giving my roommate an understanding nod and a smile to my Oprah Winfrey poster, I settle among my books with a steaming mug of coffee.

-Sampada Joshi

MBA 1-Marketing
