SIBM Pune gets IBM worldwide Shared University Research Grant

Posted By Dr. R Raman

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SIBM Pune is not only known for its MBA program and MBA (E&I) program and the placement opportunities that come with it, but also for professors who are involved in cutting edge research and development
You must be aware that IBM Shared University Research (SUR) Awards is a worldwide equipment award program designed to promote research in areas of mutual value and interest to IBM and universities.
Also the SUR Awards program strives to connect the research and researchers at universities with personnel in IBM.
I am very glad to inform you that the research proposal titled “Analysing social media behaviours using predictive analytics for reducing credit default” submitted by Prof.Santosh Gopalakrishnan and myself has been approved by IBM as part of it’s worldwide Shared University Research Grants. The grant amount and other details will soon be communicated to us.
I am also glad to let you know that we, SIBM, Pune are the only management institution in India to get this grant this year !!
Dr R Raman
Director – SIBM, Pune