SIBM: A New Chapter, A New Experience

Posted By Deven Solanki

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Clothes: check

Living Essentials: check

Laptop and other electronics: check

Anxiousness: check

Uncertainty: check



I was doing a mental check list of the things I had and would need for the next two years of my life. The date was 2nd June, 2015. I would be leaving my home the next day to start a new chapter of my life. I was joining one of the best B schools in India – SIBM, Pune. So, as I was going through my check list, I thought, “Is this what I really need to get myself to the next level?” “Will I be able to adapt to the rigours an MBA programme puts one through?” “Will I be able to fit in with all those people whom I might have to compete against at some time?” With such thoughts I got into the car, introspecting ruminating over these and other questions.

I got to the campus at Lavale, an idyllic village on the outskirts of Pune, at almost midnight. Seeing the Symbiosis sign from the road glowing on the hilltop gave me some sense of direction, as if it was taking away some of the uncertainty and assuring me that I was meant to be here. The first moments, seeing the hostel, seeing my room, meeting my roommate (who is awesome by the way), went by in a blur as had so much to process. I had fallen in love with the campus during the Interview rounds itself when I visited the campus for the first time after appearing for SNAP, the qualifying exam. But in the morning I was seeing it in a new light; lush green surroundings, immaculate roads, the immense academic block, verdant hill on the horizon, rolling clouds in the sky, as a person who loves outdoors and is distracted easily I would have to convince myself very hard that I had come here to study!

And then the Induction Programme started. It was such a brilliantly planned and executed programme. The talks by such eminent speakers, informative discussions with alumni, industrial visits, team bonding sessions with the other students (now also friends), I enjoyed every moment of it. I made so many acquaintances that frankly, after a point of time all the faces and names were jumbled up in my mind. Eventually we were sorted into groups where we had to perform a skit and a talent show where I met some amazingly talented and humble people whom I am now proud to call as my friends. As a guy who suffers from stage fright, performing the skit and the show in front of hundreds of people including the faculty and judges was a nerve-wracking experience, but it was an experience I will always remember. I got to know so many people even from other groups and our group even won a prize that we promptly spent partying the coming weekend!

Now the induction is over and the classes have started. The tests will soon start. Life is going to be very hectic. A few questions that I had are still unanswered. But now I know that coming here and joining SIBM was one of the best decisions I have ever taken. I have two years to spend over here. Two very gratifying, helpful, fun-filled, studious (hopefully), life-altering years. And I am looking forward to every moment of it. Here’s hoping I can write some more about my life here. Signing off.