Joining SIBM, Pune – The Right Decision

Posted By Nikranjay

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India is a country where an engineer does pretty much everything except the real engineering, be it being a Manager, a writer,a civil servant or even a politician and among these the manager being the most common. Basically it’s like you name the field and engineers can be seen making their way into it. The reason is largely the lack of knowledge of true face of engineering during the secondary schooling and gradually a student falls victim to it and so was I. Being an Instrumentation Engineer, I dreamt of working in automation labs and what not but landed up in an IT firm, where I survived for 2 years (actually not to earn because one hardly survives with that meagre a salary but simply to get a certificate that says ‘YES HE IS TESTED & ADAPTABLE !!’ ;-).

Now comes the present phase where I am back to college, yeah! you read it right, its COLLEGE AGAIN- SIBM-PUNE n m loving it. The best part is the location of the college on which the weather of the city gets a brownie point from me. Deep somewhere I had a thought that it is also gonna be just another 2 years of college but SURPRISE!! , during the induction program one has to participate in some sort of extra – curricular activities, for me it was a skit and i must say it brought out the actor in me. It seems to be an attempt by the college to make one more adaptable and disciplined by making him do stuff which won’t be done otherwise, one fine example being ‘writing this very blog’. Waking you up @ 7 in the morning with ‘Vande-Matram’ being played , is also a commendable effort on college’s part to prevent brain-drain (joking). All such chores day-in and day-out make you a better candidate as far as career is concerned because in 2 years of my job I realised that the demand is to be disciplined and also able to do stuff effectively and efficiently, which probably you don’t like or are not habituated to do in the first place.

There are other positives of joining this esteemed college, one gets to be a part of illustrious alumni, ranging from top post occupants in domestic and foreign companies, right from 1978. The global exposure provided at SIBM is another part, you get to know about your hidden talent and also able to match up the demand – supply gap as and when required. The voluminous names of MNCs which visit you for internship and placements is cherry on the top (no actually that is the cake itself ;).

It’s been approximately a month here in SIBM-P and I have seen myself writing a blog, acting in a play and doing much stuff. Hopefully this 38th batch of SIBM brings out the best in me and I can emerge as a leader – The leader I want to be

Nikhil Ranjay First Year MBA student @ SIBM, Pune