“In the Light of Darkness” written by Ms. Radhika Maira Tabrez – An SIBM Pune Alumna

Posted By Dr. R Raman

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Book Launch by alumnus Ms. Radhika Maira Tabrez

The Information Systems and Media Relations Team (iSMaRT) organised the book launch of “In the Light of Darkness” written by Ms. Radhika Maira Tabrez -An SIBM Pune Alumna

Before branching into writing, Ms. Radhika has worked as a Learning and Development professional with over twelve years of experience spanning ITeS, Travel, Telecom and BFSI sectors, during which she held many senior management positions until she found her calling as a full time writer. In her book “In the Light of Darkness”, her writing has been called refreshing and endearing and it has been critically acclaimed by the others.



Apart from her journey as a writer, Ms. Radhika also shared about her life at SIBM Pune and explained how those two years shaped her for the future. She shared various anecdotes from her days as a student president and answered queries from students who were curious as to how could one manage one’s true calling while sticking to one’s profession.

Dr R Raman

Director – SIBM Pune


Dean – Faculty of Management – SIU