Sam – The Nerd

  • Prof. Arpita Sharma presented a paper at the 3rd International Conference on Financial Markets & Corporate Finance 2018

    Prof. Arpita Sharma, Assistant Professor - Finance at SIBM Pune attended the 3rd International Conference [...]

    Published On: July 18, 2018
  • The Employee Story

    The job of an HR as per numerous books is for them to choose the [...]

    Published On: January 24, 2018
  • It’s making you dumb! Yes, your Social Media account.

    It's been around ten years that I've been exposed to social media starting from Orkut, [...]

    Published On: November 29, 2017
  • Management is Art

    Management. Who better than an entrepreneur, a born manager, to explain this concept in depth. [...]

    Published On: November 2, 2017
  • The Change Life Brings

      As crowds change from generation to generation, So does the mentality. For better or [...]

    Published On: October 8, 2017
  • Quizzing @ SIBM Pune

    “I have no special talents, I am just passionately curious” - Albert Einstein. QUOD – [...]

    Published On: February 19, 2017
  • Five Reasons to Join SIBM Pune

      It is hard enough to get into a premier B-School here in India—what with [...]

    Published On: December 11, 2016
  • The ticking clock- Nerd’s day out!

    It’s 7:00 A.M, or as they say it at SIBM, its 0700 hours, and I [...]

    Published On: November 26, 2016