A very short post today !!

The process of GEPISymbiosis Institute of Business Management, Pune, after all the days of registrations, shortlisting, and slot bookings, will start tomorrow morning!!
SIBM Pune has had a record number of applications this year, and the meritorious few who made the shortlist for both the programs, and MBA( I & E ), will now start the 2nd phase of the process… MBASIBM Pune wishes all aspirants all the very best!! Take it easy, all aspirants, and give it your best shot… at the end of the road, your Institute beckons!!
We are all geared up for the process, and I am sure, all the aspirants are as well!! Looking forward to interacting with them tomorrow for a short while, before we start off the process!!
And true to our nature, we can’t have just one thing going on at one time, can we ? It was a pleasure to welcome on our campus, Mr. Marwan Abdulaziz Janahi, Vice President, and Mr. Chindu Mohsin, Director of Dubai International Academic City( ) who had come to the campus for a short visit! It was indeed a pleasure to interact with them!! DIAC
SIU SIBMPune Symbiosisflagship corporateengagement placementsuccess SIBMPuneEMBA SIBMPuneMDPs NIRFRank13 NBAAccreditedProgram GEPI AdmissionsProcess AlltheBest
Aspirant Relations Team, SIBM Pune