Very Happy to inform that in the Times Best BSchool Rankings, released today, Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Pune has been ranked amongst the top 5 BSchools of the country!!

However, we believe that this could be because of the non – submission of data by several other top BSchools… we were ranked at #13 by the earlier, and in between 10 and 13 by most other ranking surveys… just being honest!! NIRF
We have also been ranked at #2 in the Best Private B School category and #1 in Placements… I am sure the Times would have done meticulous research, and this is indeed a “feel good” factor for us!!
But what these, and other rankings do tell us, is that we cannot afford to be complacent. Also, our objective cannot just be rankings, those are indicators… we need to keep working for the benefit of our students, and try to ensure that we are future proofing them. We have several initiatives that we are working on, and hopefully they will add to the employability quotient of our students..
So, we have our work cut out… and as we do when every ranking comes out, we pledge to always keep working in the best interest of our students, which and SymbiosisSYMBIOSIS INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY have always done, and what we have always learnt from our beloved Chancellor, … DrMujumdarSir
I would like to thank our Pro Chancellor, Dr. Vidya Yeravdekar, and our Vice Chancellor, Dr Ramakrishnan Raman for their constant support and encouragement… and of course, all our , Faculty, and Staff, all of whom have contributed towards this…!! Students
SIU SIBMPune Symbiosisflagship corporateengagement placementsuccess SIBMPuneEMBA SIBMPuneMDPs NIRFRank13 NBAAccreditedProgram TimesBestBSchoolRankings2025 BestPrivateBSchools