Venture by SIBM, Pune PGDICE Alumni Mr.Ankit Agarwal and Karan Rastogi mentioned by Prime Minister Modi !

Posted By Dr. R Raman

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SIBM, Pune’s PG Diploma students who pursue their diploma during the week ends, while they continue with their corporate assignment, are second to none and here is the proof … is a venture by SIBM, Pune PGDICE alumni Mr.Ankit Agarwal and Karan Rastogi, who completed their PG Diploma in Innovation and Corporate Entrepreneurship. This venture was born when Prof. Vinod Shastri (who is the mentor and head of this program) gave them an assignment as a part and parcel of the course work!

I am sure some of you would have known about This is a venture started by the first batch of PGDICE (Post Graduate Diploma in Innovation and Corporate Entrepreneurship) students from SIBM, Pune which has now been

  1. Mentioned by the honorable Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi during “Mann ki baat”
  2. Won ABBY Awards – Gold and Bronze at the Goa fest 2016
  3. Mentioned by Better India, Yahoo news, First posts, Pure&eco etc
  4. The Winner at ISB –iDiya 2015 , Tata Social Enterprise Challenge 2016, IIM Indore Kalpvriksha 2015 , IIT Kanpur Showcase 2015 !
  5. Given coverage in All Major Indian Newspapers!!

We offer flowers at places of worship symbolizing our love and belief. Showering flowers is a religious ritual in India. Flowers are a symbol of devotion and reverence, and it is believed that the flowers should be discarded into water bodies to respect their sanctity. But no one think of the aftermath? Every year approximately 80, 00,000 tons of waste flowers are dumped in the rivers choking them to death Sadly, these sacred flowers rot in rivers – killing fishes and creating havoc in the fragile ecosphere of the water body and cause enormous pollution. The pesticides and chemical fertilizers used to grow flowers mixes with the river water making it highly toxic. We always tend to blame the industrial waste but never give a think to flower pollution. Ankit and Karan were shocked and sad with the magnitude of the problem. They developed several ways to utilize these disposed flowers to ensure that devotion doesn’t turn into pollution, and hence the company helpusgreen was born.

ANKIT-KAran-SIBM-PuneAt helpusgreen they collect these flowers and recycle them into awesome – bio fertilizer, Incense, bathing bars etc. Helpusgreen products not just reduce the flower waste but bring a bit of divine your home. Their work is based on our love for Nature and chemical free life. Helpusgreen is a step towards pollution free rivers!!

PGDICE admission for 2016 is open till 13th May 2016 (

Thought of sharing this with all of you and hence this blog post


Dr Ramakrishnan Raman

Director – SIBM, Pune


Dean – Faculty of Management – SIU

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