Truly privileged to have been invited to the INDAM ( Indian Academy of Management ) annual conference being hosted by IIFT Kolkata, to attend and speak as a panelist, on behalf of Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Pune !!
Had an illustrious panel comprising of Prof. Rakesh Mohan Joshi, Vice Chancellor, #IIFT, Prof. Arvind Sahay, Director, #MDI#Gurgaon, and Prof. Suchismita Mishra, Associate Dean, #Florida#International#University… the topic of discussion was Sustainability in Business Curriculum – Sustainable ? We had a vibrant discussion for over an hour and a half, which was received very well by the audience….
The #Indian#Academy of #Management (INDAM) conference is a research conference that brings together scholars, practitioners, policymakers, and management thinkers to discuss topics related to Indian businesses and organizations. The conferences are affiliated with the Academy of Management in the United States and attract participants from around the world. #INDAM‘s objectives include:
Creating a platform for scholars and practitioners to interact, Sharing ideas, findings, and interests, connecting with other professional bodies and Disseminating knowledge about Indian businesses and organizations. Some topics that have been discussed at INDAM conferences include: Technological forces, Societal and environmental phenomena, and How businesses and organizations can contribute to societal advancements.
Had an illustrious panel comprising of Prof. Rakesh Mohan Joshi, Vice Chancellor, #IIFT, Prof. Arvind Sahay, Director, #MDI#Gurgaon, and Prof. Suchismita Mishra, Associate Dean, #Florida#International#University… the topic of discussion was Sustainability in Business Curriculum – Sustainable ? We had a vibrant discussion for over an hour and a half, which was received very well by the audience….
The #Indian#Academy of #Management (INDAM) conference is a research conference that brings together scholars, practitioners, policymakers, and management thinkers to discuss topics related to Indian businesses and organizations. The conferences are affiliated with the Academy of Management in the United States and attract participants from around the world. #INDAM‘s objectives include:
Creating a platform for scholars and practitioners to interact, Sharing ideas, findings, and interests, connecting with other professional bodies and Disseminating knowledge about Indian businesses and organizations. Some topics that have been discussed at INDAM conferences include: Technological forces, Societal and environmental phenomena, and How businesses and organizations can contribute to societal advancements.
An excellent start, and we will look at building it further, and build connections and networks for SYMBIOSIS INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY and SIBM Pune over the next 2 days!! I would like to thank Dr. Vidya Yeravdekar Mam and Dr Ramakrishnan Raman for giving us this opportunity!!