The sun sets over the Lavale Campus, near Sandipani, the Leadership Development Centre of the University…

Posted By Shrirang Altekar

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It was like a golden end to the last MDP of the financial year, conducted by SIBM for BPCL…. but the story commences once again from the 1st week of April itself… the month of April has several programs lined up…The sun is also setting on the current academic year of 2023-24, with term end examinations due to end soon…. 1st year students will leave to join their recruiters for the Summer Internship Program, and 2nd year students to join their recruiting companies…

How time has passed…. it seems like barely yesterday that I was given the responsibility of heading the flagship of Symbiosis, SIBM Pune…. 5 months have flown by in a flash… and what a crazily busy 5 months it has been!!! … from Placements to Academics, Events to Annual Day, Publications to new Value Added Courses, existing MDPs to acquisition of new clients…. the list can go on and on….

We are in the process of making both our MBA programs more dynamic, one, more in sync with the requirements of our critical stakeholders, the recruiters, for the core MBA program, while at the same time creating a more robust eco system for the MBA ( Innovation and Entrepreneurship ) program… there is indeed a huge amount of work that awaits us in the ” peaceful ” months of April and May… which is actually a misconception!! But in Symbiosis, we are always up to something, which is for the benefit of our students!! ????

#SIU #sibmpune #Lavalecampus #dynamiccurriculum #studentcentric