An SIBM Student takes up a research assignment at Technology and Innovation Management (TIM) – University of Hamburg (Germany)

Dear All
Zarna Thakkar, an MBAI&E) student of Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Punehas been selected as a Research Student ,to work at the Technology and Innovation Management (TIM) of Technology University of Hamburg (Germany).
The guidance that Zarna Thakkar, got from Dr. Aravind Chinchure – Chair Professor for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Symbiosis International University and the hard work that she put in made this happen!
SCEI (Symbiosis Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation ) has a research partnership with Centre for Frugal Innovation (CFI), University. The Symbiosis Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation was formally inaugurated in 2014 in the presence of our Chancellor Dr. S.B. Mujumdar and Dr. R.A. Mashelkar.
Dr. R.A. Mashelkar is the Mentor of Symbiosis Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation.
I am delighted that Zarna Thakkar, has got this opportunity to join CFI as a Research Student for a span of 3 months. She will be conducting research on innovations models of developed and developing countries. She will work on a research paper titled “Frugal innovations from India and Germany- A comparative analysis of relevant factors in the National Innovation System”
Dr R Raman
Director – SIBM, Pune
Dean – Faculty of Management – SIU