SIBM-Pune, Learning of lifetime..

Posted By AVIKAL90

Published On: June 22, 2015Categories: Featured0 Comments on SIBM-Pune, Learning of lifetime..
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Sibm Pune is known to be not only one of the best b school for MBA in India but also fr its lush green campus on hills.
I still remember the day when I was told about the life at Lavale, which was a push for me until I realized my dream had actually come true.
The campus has various dynamics to learn from, the most special one comes from living and learning with the nature. It is a bliss to soul that everyday you wake up only to witness the utmost serene and soothing nature.
I take great pride in being a part of such a prestigious b school in India.
The kind of learning imparted to students is unmatched, be it the induction program or other formats of learning. I would not mind saying symbiosis international university is a land of learning on its own.
My journey with SIBM begins with several milestones and it will be these milestones which will guide me and take me forward in different shades of life. We in symbiosis are a family coming from different races of life to support and guide the ever incoming young buds.

Avikal Gupta First Year MBA @SIBM-Pune