SIBM, Pune experience

Posted By AnishS

Published On: June 22, 2015Categories: Featured0 Comments on SIBM, Pune experience
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In an environment growing rapidly, MBA is one of the most sought after master’s degree. And in India, where B-schools are in the thousands, it’s critical to be in a reputed institute. I have been studying in Pune for the past 5-6 years. Hence I am quite aware of the prestige and reputation SIU holds. People pride themselves in being a part of ‘The Symbiosis family’. I guess, this thought was ever present in the back of my head as I appeared for SNAP and went through the various processes on my road to SIBM.
The aim was always to be in SIBM. It is one of the best business schools in India and definitely the best in Pune (I speak for myself). Hence, when I arrived on campus on 1st June, my emotions were a mixture of nervousness and excitement. I spent the initial days laying low, testing the waters in some sense. I was quite conscious of the fact that I will be with the best in India now, working with and competing against them. Quite eager to know, grow and wonder how it will turn out. The induction programme helped break the ice for us. It was quite and interesting experience. From attending seminars, lectures and going for IVs to setting up skits, participating in various tasks and slogging all night preparing for an exam. Before we knew it, we all had to some extent bonded and had an idea as to who everyone was. All within the first 14 days. In some ways I am beginning to understand what it means to be a part of the Symbiosis family.

Anish Shinde First Year MBA student @ SIBM, Pune