SIBM Pune: Dawn of new a day

Posted By Sourabh.wadhawan

Published On: June 23, 2015Categories: Featured0 Comments on SIBM Pune: Dawn of new a day
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“Each new day is a blank page in the diary of your life.

The secret of success is in turning that diary into the best story you possibly can.”
Douglas Pagels

With the similar vision of creating a new success story I joined SIBM Pune one of the premier B School in India. When I look back it all started with “Coffee with SIBM” in which I interacted with SIBM students and since then I wanted to enter this Premier B School.

Finally around three weeks ago, when I came to SIBM Pune as a student for its flagship MBA programme. I was awestruck by the campus situated at the hill top, surrounded by hills and greenery all around. With all the state of art infrastructure such as Central Library,the recreation centre and sprawling green football ground SIBM Pune strives for all round development of students.

The MBA programme started with a two week pre-Induction which helped us to bond with the entire student coming from diverse background and different parts of the world. It started with Social Skit and Talent competition which helped student to work as a team prepare Skit overnight and showcase their talent. We also have various guest lectures, in which the immense wisdom gained by the stalwarts in the industry through years of experience is passed on to the budding Managers. The Industrial tour is also organised for student which helped them to understand how a real industry work.

Finally the fun filled two week of induction got over. We started with the regular classroom lectures. With a unique pedagogy which is more inclined toward student participation in class. Till now it has been a wonderful journey. In coming days we would be hurled over with lot of assignments, corporate competitions, presentations. I would conclude this with a quote that

“Though the road’s been rocky it sure feels good to me.” – Bob Marley

Sourabh Wadhawan First Year MBA student @ SIBM, Pune

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