SIBM, Pune – An experience

Entrepreneur-this is a word that always fascinates me. In the process of turning my passion into reality I came to know that Symbiosis International University is providing MBA in Innovation & Entrepreneurship. As SIBM is one of the best B schools in India, without second thoughts I enrolled for SNAP, cleared the interview and here I am-on the ladder of success.
The first day on campus my mind is full with all kinds of questions like Is this the right step for me? how am I going to adjust in a place far away from my state? But the preinduction designed helped me to answer all my questions and took me to a comfort zone. I started enjoying the scenic beauties around and interacting with friends full of great knowledge and talent. After preinduction our classes started ,and for the first time in my life I’m going to classes with a real smile on my face because the way the professors have a practical approach than the regular bookish teaching which I have undergone all these years.SIBM provides me with a platform that I have always dreamt of.
Having completed three weeks in SIBM I can strongly say that this is a place that one has to experience for atleast once in a lifetime. As we know ‘No matter how many books we read, experience is the best teacher’. I’m pretty sure that , in two years from now I will see myself as a completely different person and as a better individual .Lot more to go but the roots of confidence are already sown.