SIBM PUNE : An Achievement…!!!

Posted By Navdeep

Published On: June 22, 2015Categories: Featured0 Comments on SIBM PUNE : An Achievement…!!!
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This is my story of how I became a Hero from a Zero….

There is no person alive that isn’t filled with dreams, goals and ideals. Every human being dreams, the dreams differ greatly from person to person, some being small while others unrealistically large. While few wanted to be a poet, singer, dancer, sportsperson etc, all I ever dreamed of was “STUDYING”. I know, I know.. who dreams of studying, right? I did.

Due to certain situations and family responsibilities, I had to quit studies, singing, cricket everything which I loved the most and had to work at a very very young age. I was 16 years old when I started working… I still remember the very first day of work.. I was too naïve, innocent and dumb to a certain extent, I mean of course I was just a kid. When everyone in my age group was busy in their first love, be it hobbies, sports or the actual love, I was trying to accept work as my first love. I worked a lot… a lot.. at least 16 hours a day for so many years and was one of the best employees everywhere.

Considering I am a Punjabi, I am always cheerful, talkative and all so I never get bored, I enjoyed whatever I kept doing even though I didn’t want to do it but then such is life. I was happy with my life but there was something missing… deep down inside my heart, I knew I still want to study… but neither did I have the money nor could I leave the job since my family was dependent on me so I knew this is one dream I will never be able to fulfill in my life but I never gave up. Something which I used to say back then and still believe in:

“Mai thak gaya hu lekin haara nahi hu”

Life is all about struggles and the day we give up on ourselves is the day we die(Too much of philosophy, I know). I kept moving and finally one fine day, my company announced voluntary retirement for which I got fair amount of money to resign and study and support my family altogether, a win win situation for me. I got around 4 months to study. Too much to study after a gap of 6 years or so but somehow I managed and cleared SNAP cut off quite nicely. The interview at SIBM was one of the biggest days of my life. The interviewers, ART everyone was just too good at their job. It was an amazing conversation in the interview but all I remember the most was the interviewer saying you’re one in a million kind of a guy(:P) which is definitely one of the best compliment I have ever got. I am still trying to find that Interviewer but haven’t been successful yet 😛 but the search is still ON(any help will be appreciated).

Finally, after all this, I am here… here at Paradise on earth… after 10 years of struggle…Raju ban gaya Gentleman (people who like Bollywood would be able to understand this). SIBM Pune has given me an opportunity to live my dream. Everyone has brought their talent, culture, languages, special food items from their respective places but all I brought here is my dreams. I would like to mention that whosoever wants to study, come with right attitude, inculcate in yourself the spirit of perseverance and Symbiosis family will welcome you with open arms. SIBM has been able to fulfill many dreams till now, I have got a chance today, and you never know you may get a chance as well.

Always remember: “Height of our accomplishments depends on the depth of our conviction”. If I can do it, anyone can! 🙂

My journey has already begun; I celebrated my Birthday few days ago. It was one of the best moment of my life…I was feeling like a kid once again. I was forced to eat half of the cake and got a facial from the rest of the half. Oh yes, I somehow saved myself from birthday bumps though 😛

Thanks to the amazing friends I have made in such a short period of time and strangers who will become a friend in a few days. The feeling of taking notes when a faculty member is teaching is just out of this world. The view from this campus is breathtaking. Recreation room and facilities are just amazing. I am pretty sure this journey is going to be pretty exciting and hectic both but I am Game.

Cheers to the memories we gonna make here!!

Navdeep Tuli First Year MBA student @ SIBM, Pune