SIBM: Miles to go before I sleep…

‘You have to leave something behind to go forward’
One of the advantages of being a Christopher Nolan fan is that quotes often come handy for the appropriate occasions apart from the awe conjured by his epiphanies.
My SIBM story began with witnessing one, both spiritually and literally. My eyeballs were glued to the window pane of the cab as I treaded the twisty turns of lush Lavale. Of course, nervousness had just started to precipitate alongside rain. But it was not just the sprawling campus that was exquisite, it was the people that I met, who were all the more enthralling. At this junction, the idea of being in a premier B-school (which is often portrayed as akin to be in a battle ground) suddenly excited me but also gave a new perspective to my pre conceived notion.
The informative sessions by who’s who of corporate as well as academia were so different in comparison to graduation lectures. Moreover, it was the very first time I saw SIBM’s ‘USP’ of student driven philosophy in action. Right from the enriching, fun and insightful industrial visits to the indulging, hectic and enthusiasm filled talent round performances, as a new chapter began afresh on a euphoric note. For the first time in my 23 years of existence, I embraced Insomnia like a wise friend.
After tasting those little moments of life@SIBM, I realized why the star studded alumni devoured upon their memories.
The faculty just added more vigor to the learning experience. From ‘Economom’ and poetry in economics to witty ways of explaining research methodologies, the whole teaching process became not only interesting but also a participative one. I was certainly not used to such innovative pedagogies.
Additionally, one of the most important part, camaraderie also started blooming with the onset of monsoons. The late night philosophical talks and the humorous anecdotes have become an after dinner routine. I will not talk about the mess as of now (:P) but I have started liking their desserts atleast.
‘History is full of names of those who have made it’
The self-written quote, as of now, is my inspiration to survive, strive and thrive here. Today, SIBM appears as an Iceberg to me, whose tip has been seen by me. Nevertheless, all its depths are yet to be explored and am looking forward to take a dive.
Lastly, I would like to sum up my experience in two borrowed but beautiful lines by Amir Khusrao.
अगर फ़िरदौस बर रू-ऐ ज़मीन अस्त,
हमीं अस्त ओ हमीं अस्त ओ हमीं अस्त|
(If there is paradise on earth; It is this, It is this, It is this)