The third session of Prerna 8.0

Posted By Dr. R Raman

Published On: January 7, 2019Categories: Featured0 Comments on The third session of Prerna 8.0
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The third session of Prerna 8.0 has been conducted successfully for the students of “New English School” at Sus Gaon by SIBM Social, Entrepreneurship and Consulting Cell (SECC) student council

The topics like “Nutrition for children”, “Mental Health”, “Self defense” and “Menstruation” were covered for 8th and 9th grade students through an interactive session .

The students and school faculty found it extremely enriching and have expressed their interest for more sessions of similar kind in the future. A team of 20 dedicated volunteers helped the SECC team in designing the content and executing the session

Dr R Raman

Director – SIBM Pune


Dean – FOM – SIU