Dr Rajat Roy from BOND UNIVERSITY Australia is teaching Consumer Behaviour and Insights to MBA (Marketing Specialization) at SIBM Pune

Posted By Dr. R Raman

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Dr Rajat Roy obtained his PhD in marketing from Nanyang Business School in Singapore. Rajat has published in leading academic journals (ABDC ranked A* and A) like European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Advertising and Journal of Consumer Psychology.

Dr Rajat has taught a wide range of marketing units both in Australia and at overseas locations across different countries like Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Mauritius. He has teaching experience at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Dr Rajat is teaching Consumer Behaviour and Insights for MBA (Marketing Specialization) at SIBM Pune


Dr Rajat has also been invited as a speaker to reputed universities like The University of Sydney, University of Western Australia and Chiba University of Commerce. Currently, he sits on the editorial board of the Journal of Business Research and also Editorial Board Member of – European Journal of Marketing
and International Journal of Advertising


Dr R Raman

Director – SIBM Pune


Dean – Faculty of Management – SIU