Ridges and Furrows quiz conducted by QUOD

Posted By Dr. R Raman

Published On: December 22, 2016Categories: Featured0 Comments on Ridges and Furrows quiz conducted by QUOD
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The Quizzing and Debating Society of SIBM, Pune in association with the Research and Scholastic Development Team conducted their flagship Inter college Quizzing Contest “Ridges and Furrows” with the Quiz Master Mayank Mujumdar on Saturday, 17th December 2016.

It consisted of four grilling rounds of general quiz for which six teams battled for the top positions out of which two teams were from SIBM, Pune.

After an intense competition, Pranav Joshi from Model College of Engineering and Charles K Matthew from Pune Institute of Computer Technology emerged winners with runners up Divij Chose and Dhanvijay Jagtap from College Of Engineering,Pune. Cash prizes were awarded to winners and the quiz was a thrilling experience for the audience.

Dr R Raman

Director – SIBM Pune


Dean – Faculty of Management – SIU