Professor Pawan Budhwar from Aston Business School to teach International HRM at SIBM Pune

Professor Pawan Budhwar, Professor of International HRM from Aston Business School at SIBM Pune to teach International HRM to the MBA students.
Professor Pawan Budhwar, is a member of the Work and Organisational Psychology Group, Joint Director of the Aston India Centre for Applied Research and Joint Co-Editor-in-Chief of British Journal of Management, and is globally renowned for his research into the international aspects of HRM
Prof.Pawan’s research interests is mainly in the linkages between HRM and performance in different international contexts. He conducts the majority of his empirical work in emerging markets, especially in India. Pawan’s work is of great significance given the links with developments within the Indian economy and the scarcity of research in the field within this context. His previous work has been extensively used by academics, especially his three-level framework of factors influencing HRM in a given context. He has examined HRM systems in emerging markets and established links with social, cultural, political and legal contexts, and this is increasingly being referenced by other researchers.
The students of SIBM Pune immensely benefited from Prof. Pawans sessions
Dr R Raman
Director SIBM Pune
Dean – Faculty of Management – SIU