Prasanta Kumar Dey from Aston Business School teaching Sectoral Supply Chain @ SIBM Pune

Professor Prasanta Kumar Dey is a professor of Operations Management at Aston Business School is teaching a course on Sectoral Supply Chain Management for the Operations Management students at SIBM Pune
Prof. Dey specializes in supply chain management and project management and has published more than hundred research papers in leading international refereed journals. He has accomplished several research projects in supply chain optimisation and project management maturity studies in manufacturing, services and construction globally covering both small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) and large sectors.
Professor Dey has developed several decision support systems that include supplier performance evaluation, supply chain performance measurement, sustainability performance framework, risk management and currently engaged in developing decision support systems for optimizing bioenergy (including waste to energy) supply chain design and operations. His work helped numerous SMEs in the developing countries like India, Bangladesh and Thailand to deal with their sustainability issues and challenge. He helps many city councils in the UK and municipalities in India for developing strategies and policies for solid waste management. He is the editor in chief of International Journal of Energy Sector Management.
The students of SIBM Pune will immensely benefit from his sessions