One thing that you can be sure of is that in SIBM Pune, something positive, something constructive, something related to Business, is happening all the time!!

Posted By Shrirang Altekar

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After all, we are not just a B School, but the flagship B School of our University!!

We had the pleasure today of welcoming a team from BPCL, this time from the LPG Business, for a Focussed Group Discussion to develop the content for a new program that we are developing for their business, specifically for their Distributors… an initiative to build the capability of their distributors, with the objective of converting them into mini BPCLs…

The team consisted of both company officials as well as 6 distributors, from urban, rural, domestic, and commercial segments… we had an intense discussion over a few hours on what was the content that needed to be delivered, the mode of delivery, and expected outcomes… a most satisfying exercise… now we need to create the content asap, we start delivery from the next week itself!!

This is what we seek to do with all our major stakeholders, build capacity, and deliver value!! We have always believed that whatever initiatives we undertake must have a positive outcome on our client’s business… we don’t want to run a program just for the sake of running it… a policy that has stood us in good stead with all our clients, who have been with us since ages… SIBM Pune always delivers positive value!! Thanks to our team today who participated so well in the FGD.. Dr. Madhura BedarkarDr Deepika Pandita#DrTanujMathur, and #DrMahashwetaSaha!!