My Utopian Experience in SIBM Pune

Posted By onkar.shirodkar17

Published On: June 22, 2015Categories: Featured0 Comments on My Utopian Experience in SIBM Pune
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It may have been just a few weeks since I have been on this campus, but I’m sure these few days are enough for one to realize that the life here is so invigorating that one couldn’t help but get addicted to it. And I realized this when I couldn’t stay away from campus when I went home even for a weekend and longed to come back. The wonderful journey to this heaven on earth began when I filled my SNAP form and ever since there has been no looking back.

Being a Punekar, I never really wanted to leave this amazing city and yet wanted to complete my management studies in one of the finest colleges of India. What other college would come to mind besides SIBM-Pune? Faced with several doubts and questions, there was only one thing certain in my mind while filling the form, if at all I do my MBA, it will be only from SIBM Pune and no other college from Symbiosis International University. And I am certain that I made the right decision. And my firm opinion was justified – such is the reputation of this college in society that one would yearn to be a part of it in any which way. SIBM-Pune is not only one of the premier institutes of India but undoubtedly the best B-school of Pune. So, I filled up the SNAP form with only SIBM Pune as the college I would apply to and submitted it. Hats off to our seniors for doing such a wonderful job by guiding us at every step during the admission procedure and answering even the most trivial of our doubts. After this, began my tryst to SNAP prep. Honing my skills in Quant, Verbal Ability, LR, DI and trying to keep up with all the current affairs and GK made me a more knowledgeable person. It was an amazing and smooth exam taking experience on the D-Day. The test went well and I had a positive feeling that I would be selected for the next round, although there was quite some anxiety in my mind and I eagerly waited for the results. The day the results were announced, my joy knew no bounds as I scored 99.2%ile and was quite certain that I would be called for the GDPI of SIBM Pune. I practiced really well and made myself acquainted with the latest news. I was determined to get into this college. For the GDPI process we were called to the campus and this was the first time when I set foot on this vast, sprawling campus and witnessed its magnificent beauty. The entrance to the college is adorned by a modest and befitting statue of Goddess Saraswati – the epitome of knowledge, which aptly summarizes the rich education system that makes the foundation of this reputed institute. I was impressed by the co-ordination and commitment by our seniors while organizing a smooth GDPI process. It was a moment of privilege for me when the final results were declared and I was invited to be a part of this college in the first list itself.

What does one look for while joining a B-school? Packages, placements, recruiters, faculty, campus? One wouldn’t be exaggerating if they say that SIBM Pune excels in all of these categories. But beyond these materialistic benefits, SIBM Pune believes that the ramifications of a good ethics and value system stretch beyond imagination. And when you have an entire diaspora of such amazing faculty members, alumni and students who insist on a fine education system with a good set of rules and regulations, one’s belief in this notion would certainly be reaffirmed.

This college has already made an indelible mark on my mind. The first few days were like a festival of dance, drama, song and art which brought the entire batch together and bound us in such a way as if we were a part of a close-knit family. The warmest welcome one could ever imagine! All the speeches delivered by the alumni and the senior faculty members during the pre-induction program were thoroughly motivating.

I was lucky to get a chance to anchor and co-ordinate for the alumni interaction meet, where we got to meet notable alumni from every specialization. The guidance offered by a comparatively younger group of alumni added a lot of value to our opinions which I’m sure will help us make an informed decision while choosing our specialization. The HBP modules given to us were so comprehensive that they laid a strong foundation for our management knowledge. And I guess, our batch is lucky since from this year we have been given an option for choosing a major and a minor specialization. I look forward to staying focused on my studies, working hard and performing brilliantly in my academics. I got to make many good friends here, some of which would be friends for life.

Every aspect of this college is vibrant with positive energy. The campus is alive with a lively, jubilant crowd. Many things that I have fallen in love with may seem trivial but definitely these are the points that matter the most. One would experience serene peace and beauty when the drifting clouds touch the hilltops amidst a misty sky. In all these years of my life in Pune, I have never got to see such an amazing view of the city that I got to see from this campus. The weather is so splendid; it makes me feel like i am on a resort. The facilities and amenities that the college offers is state-of-the-art. The mess food is delicious and much better than one would expect from any college in India. Worth mentioning, the rotis here which are cooked hot and fresh To be frank, I don’t remember anyone doing this for me before, besides my mother. I cannot stress enough as to how much I am in love with every tiny aspect of this college, the bus system, the hill base parties, the fountains, the cycles, amphitheatre, swimming pool, badminton and basketball courts.

Having the advantage of staying in Pune itself, I have the option of visiting my home whenever I feel. But the people here are so warm and friendly that I already feel at home on campus. This college accepted me with open arms and is giving me all the love, care and nourishment, which I doubt I would have got in any other college. The university has taken up a new initiative of starting Yoga classes on campus and I sincerely look forward to be a part of it. The college rightly follows its motto वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम and as per my short experience here it has lived up to the true essence of these words. After I am done with my degree, I aspire to emerge not only as a better professional, but also as an evolved human being with a unique set of qualities which define me as true SIBM product. I want to portray my college, SIBM Pune for all that it is worth for and keep up the good name of brand SIBM Pune!

Onkar Shirodkar First Year MBA student @ SIBM, Pune