MBA(I&E) student Mr.Mr. Tenzin Rabgay wins Innovation World Award in INNOMPIC GAMES 2017

Posted By Dr. R Raman

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Mr. Tenzin Rabgay from Bhutan, Master of Business Administration (Innovation & Entrepreneurship) student of SIBM Pune was awarded the Mr. Innovation World Award during the INNOMPIC GAMES held on 17th and 18th September, 2017 at the College of Engineering Pune, Maharashtra, India.

He led the International Students’ Team from Symbiosis International University. The team received awards in Best Entrepreneurial Strategies, Best Entrepreneurial Leader, Best in Inventiveness, and Great Innompics Team.

INNOMPICS is a platform for participants from all around the world to engage in developing creative and innovation solutions to world’s challenges through intellectual games for creating a planet of loving creators. It was jointly organised by Science and Technology Park (STP) Pune, Indian Science and Technology Entrepreneurs Park and Business Incubator Association (ISBA), and the Innompics World. Teams from Russia, India, Malaysia, and other countries participated.

The participants were business incubators, startup founders, artist, innovators, and students. All together close to 40 participants from Russia, India, USA, Bhutan, Malaysia, Malawi, Uganda, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Afghanistan, Nepal, and Yemen partook in the event. The Juries comprised of Venture Capitalist, Entrepreneurs, Incubator, and Professors.

INNOMPICS 2018 will be held in Kaula Lampur, Malaysia.


Dr R Raman

Director – SIBM Pune


Dean – Faculty of Management – SIU