The senior team from Accenture conducts sessions at SIBM, Pune

Posted By Dr. R Raman

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The senior team from Accenture conducted a riveting and engaging session at SIBM Pune on the topic of “Liquid Workforce, a novel approach to talent acquisition and management”. Mr. Unmesh Pawar (Global Managing Director, Talent Acquisition), Miss Priyanka Bhatnagar (VP, Human Resources) and Mr. Amit Mudhale (GM, Human Resources) from Accenture collectively conducted the session. Liquid Workforce is a new workforce trend wherein the industry has access to highly agile skill-sets as and when they are needed. In an increasingly digital world, both knowledge-sets and industry requirements are changing dynamically, which calls for a new, flexible and freelancing-oriented approach towards jobs.
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The session was very interactive, and the speakers encourages students to live-tweet the session as it progressed, with the hashtag ‘#beLiquid’. There was also an interesting group activity conducted, which gave students the chance to explore and apply Liquid Workforce concepts to their own business ideas.

It was a great opportunity for SIBM students to learn the current trends in HR !

Dr Raman

Director – SIBM, Pune


Dean- Faculty of Management – SIU