SIBM, Pune student wins ‘Late Jayatee Deshmukh Gold Medal’ for Best Outgoing girl student!

Posted By Dr. R Raman

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Symbiosis International University awards Late Jayatee Deshmukh Award to the best outgoing girl student, every year during Convocation Ceremony.

I am pleased to share with all of you that this year (2016) the Late Jayatee Deshmukh Award for Best Outgoing girl student has been awarded to Ms. Aastha Chawla, from SIBM, Pune of 2014-16

The selection was based on the academic excellence and participation in co-curricular and extracurricular activities during the programme .

The award will be given during Convocation 2016 scheduled on October 1, 2016.

Dr R Raman

Director- SIBM, Pune


Dean- Faculty of Management

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