It was wonderful, interacting yesterday, with the bright minds of Symbiosis Institute of Business Management (SIBM) Bengaluru and SCMS Bengaluru yesterday…

Indeed heartening to see the keen interest in Entrepreneurship from the E- Cells of both the Institutes! Hope I was able to give them a better idea of how SCEI – Technology Business Incubator (DST Recognised) functions, and what are the characteristics of an Entrepreneur… also discussed the Pros and Cons of starting on your own, and the traits and qualities that will be required to be developed by the students if they do follow this path! Especially the Resilience Quotient!
Visited Bengaluru after almost 6 years, and it felt so nice to see how both the Directors, Dr Madhvi Sethi of SIBM B, and Dr Aarti Sharma of SCMS B, are taking their respective Institutes forward! Best wishes to both of them, and a big Thank You for inviting me and being such gracious hosts!
SIU#SIBMPune SIBMBengaluru SCMSBengaluru SCEI Entrepreneurship Innovation SIU SIBMPune Symbiosisflagship corporateengagement placementsuccess SIBMPuneEMBA SIBMPuneMDPs DrMadhviSethi DrAartiSharma