It was indeed wonderful to meet Mr Rajmohan Gandhi, grandson of the Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi, and Mrs. Usha Gandhi, when they visited SYMBIOSIS INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY today!!

Posted By Dr. Shrirang Altekar

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In a short but impactful interaction, Mr Gandhi, who is now running about 90 years in age, shared some great stories about the Mahatma! Hope that he will come and address the students of Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Pune some day!

And also, we completed Day 3 of the GEPI process today… from the short interactions that I have with all the candidates before their GEPI sessions, I could definitely see that we have very bright candidates this year, something that has been confirmed by our panelists!! Hope we get the best of them in SIBM Pune this year!! And of course, a very smooth hassle free process, powered by our super Aspirant Relations Team, SIBM Pune ( ART )

SIU SIBMPune Symbiosisflagship corporateengagement placementsuccess SIBMPuneEMBA SIBMPuneMDPs NIRFRank13 NBAAccreditedProgram greatinteraction RajmohanGandhi
Dr. Vidya Yeravdekar
Dr Ramakrishnan Raman
Aspirant Relations Team, SIBM Pune


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