It was an absolute privilege and honour to have been asked to perform the Ganesh Aarti at the Symbiosis Ganesh Mandir

It was an absolute privilege and honour to have been asked to perform the Ganesh Aarti at the Symbiosis Ganesh Mandir and the Symbiosis University Hospital and Research Centre ( SUHRC ) last evening…. prayed for the health and well being of all Symbians! I am sure the Lord will continue to shower his blessings on us and protect us from all evil!
Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Pune, the flagship brand of , ranked recently at #13 in the Management Category by NIRF, and also accredited by NBA for the MBA program, is fortunate to have the Hospital and Research Centre on the Lavale campus… our students need have no worry about their health, physical with SUHRC, and emotional, with Symbiosis Centre for Emotional Well Being ( SCEW )… two wonderful institutions set up by our Management to ensure the holistic well being of our students! Symbiosis
This is indeed the hallmark of and SymbiosisSYMBIOSIS INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY, ( SIU ) that we want all our students to pass out not just as thorough professionals, but holistically healthy individuals! Our sincere thanks to our Management for their keen interest and active promotion of health… no wonder is known as a health promoting University! SIU
Once again my sincere thanks to Dr. Vidya Yeravdekar, Pro Chancellor, Dr. Rajiv Yeravdekar, Provost, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences and Dr Ramakrishnan Raman, Vice Chancellor, for this opportunity!
SIU#sibmpune SUHRC SymbiosisGaneshMandir HealthPromotingUniversity holisticwellbeing SCEW physicalhealth emotionalwellbeing Symbiosisflagship corporateengagement placementsuccess SIBMPuneEMBA SIBMPuneMDPs NIRFRanking NBA