It was an absolute pleasure to receive the team from Deakin University, Australia, consisting of Ravneet Pawha, Assoc. Prof Dhara Shah (PhD), Priyanka Singh, and Irfa Javed at Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Pune today!

Posted By Dr. Shrirang Altekar

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We held wide-ranging ranging talks, from expanding the footprint of the WERA alliance between Deakin University and SYMBIOSIS INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY, collaboration in research projects, joint initiatives, as well as joint MDPs

Also on the table were future workshops, collaboration in the INDAM conference which will be hosted by SIBM Pune in January 2026, and a whole lot of other areas where we could collaborate.. a productive day spent indeed! SIBM Pune is firmly committed to the objectives of SIU of research and internationalization, and shall strive to drive the same harder going forward!

A big thank you from us to the Deakin team which visited us today.. let us take the partnership to the next level!

SIU SIBMPune Symbiosisflagship corporateengagement placementsuccess SIBMPuneEMBA SIBMPuneMDPs NIRFRank13 NBAAccreditedProgram internationalization collaborations
Dr. Vidya Yeravdekar
Dr Ramakrishnan Raman
Ravneet Pawha
Assoc. Prof Dhara Shah (PhD)
Priyanka Singh
Irfa Javed
Dr. Madhura Bedarkar
Dr Deepika Pandita
Dr. Anupama S. Kotur (Kaddi)



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