SIBM Pune won the online musical face off challenge conducted by Godrej !

Posted By Dr. R Raman

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Godrej was back to SIBM Pune on the 19th July 2017 with its 6th edition of LOUD, a competition organized for passionate first-year students to channelize their dreams. With a host of goodies in tow, Ms. Vandana Scolt, Mr. Sunil Kataria, and Mr. Jatin Panchal from Godrej interacted with the already inspired batch of 2019.

A flash mob greeted the guests at the entrance of the auditorium after which they were treated to a stupefying mime performance. The LOUD 2017 introductory video was played next which was received with a thunderous applause by the audience. Ms. Scolt, Assistant Vice President of Communication Design & Campus Recruitment at Godrej, addressing the crowd, stated that LOUD was designed as a platform to interact with students and engage in conversations they couldn’t otherwise. Having fulfilled 35 dreams in 5 years, LOUD has spread across the business across the globe.

Mr. Kataria, Business Head- India and SAARC, GCPL, spoke about major human fears and how he overcame his own. A competition should help you grow and not put you down, said he while sharing his learnings from a marathon he ran in. Ending with a quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Always do what you are afraid to do”, he left the audience motivated.

Mr. Panchal, Head of Sales Development & e-Commerce, GCPL, spoke about his LOUD victory journey and how he successfully tackled various challenges in life. A SIBM Pune alumnus, he admitted his love for adventure sports and spoke about his passion for life.

With the contest now officially declared open, the Godrej LOUD team exited to a more inspired crowd, looking forward to submitting their dreams.

Also SIBM Pune won the online musical face off challenge conducted by Godrej for SIBM and SCMHRD. Godrej was extremely happy with all the offline and online promotions conducted by Corporate Interface Team for LOUD. All credit goes to the team and the first year students of SIBM Pune !

Dr R Raman

Director- SIBM Pune


Dean- Faculty of Management- SIU