Business Case Challenge – Flipkart WiRED 2019

Posted By Dr. R Raman

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We heartily congratulate the Flipkart WiRED Challenge 2019 Campus Winner for the Business Case – Team Bizdom comprising Joseph Yejarla, Nikhith Vvs and Kuhu Mehrotra and the Campus Runner-Up – Team Flipstones comprising Ameya Prabhudesai, Richa Grover and Vaibhav Chitalia. The Flipkart WiRED platform gave the students a chance to use their treasure trove of business acumen and a first-hand experience of navigating challenges in the Indian e-commerce ecosystem.
The campus round was judged by Ms. Neha Kumar, Director, 2Gud, Flipkart and Mr. Saurabh Pandey, Associate Director – Fashion, Flipkart who critically evaluated the campus finalists. The Campus Winners will represent SIBM Pune at the National Round of Flipkart WiRED 2019.
We wish the team the best for the upcoming challenge!
Dr R Raman
Director – SIBM Pune
Dean – Faculty of Management – SIU