SIBM, Pune- An Experience

Posted By paurakhj

Published On: June 21, 2015Categories: Featured0 Comments on SIBM, Pune- An Experience
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I can’t believe I am here and I am just pumped up to make best of this.

Ever since completing my BBA from what is believed to be the Best B School in Nepal (Kathmandu University), I wanted to climb up the ladder. I wanted an opportunity to reach that higher level and when Symbiosis came along I just jumped as high as I could and grabbed it. SIBM, Pune and Symbiosis International University is by far the best place I have ever been in and the experience I have had till now is lot that most people have in a life time.

It all started in May 22, 2015. I was sitting in my office desk ready to go home as I was done for the day when a familiar number buzzed my phone which gave me goosebumps. The call was from Indian Embassy in Kathmandu and they informed me that I had been selected by Government of India to pursue my MBA in India. That was the call I was waiting to get for almost 5 months then and at that moment I was super excited. But a suspense remained. The embassy wouldnt open till Monday May 25th and I had no idea which place I was going. Symbiosis was on my priority list when applying and I had hoped and had my fingers crossed that I get here. All the suggestions I had taken from different faculties and professor, all the self research I had done, all these things pointed at just one direction; that was SIU. The next Monday when I was told that it was SIU indeed where I was going only the observers would be able to tell how I shouted out of delight and 2 days later I was taking my medicals at International office in SB Road , ready to board the bus for Lavale and I havent looked back since.

The SIBM brand intrigues me, its popularity, the quality of fellow students here is just awesome and I cant help but believe that this crop of people will be the ones to carry the economy of entire South Asian region forward. The infrastructure and the college location has never let me feel homesick till now and having such diverse group of people around me has provided me with many good memories till now. The classes, the methodologies used and the guiding pedagogy here makes me motivated to try harder; not just in the course materials but in everything. When I look at the faculties here I am sure that I will have a lot of role models to look upon.

Everyday in SIBM has been a new experience for me. The time here will be full of ups and downs and I have a feeling that every moment here will be worthwhile.

Paurakh Joshi, First Year MBA Student, SIBM Pune

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