Its a proud moment for SIBM Pune

Posted By Dr. R Raman

Published On: November 3, 2015Categories: Featured0 Comments on Its a proud moment for SIBM Pune
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Dear All

Its a proud moment for SIBM Pune.

Ms. Priya Nair, an SIBM Pune alumna of the batch of 1994 featured in Business Today’s list of the 25 most powerful women business leaders in the country.

Priya-NairMs.Priya Nair –Executive Director of the Home Care Division of Hindustan Unilever

Priya Nair, who is the Executive Director of the Home Care Division of Hindustan Unilever India figured in a list which included leaders like Nita Ambani and Arundhati Bhattacharya.

Also our alumnus , Mr Sumit Joshi , Batch of 1998, will be moving as Global Vice President-Marketing Excellence , Philips Lighting.
Sumit JoshiMr Sumit Joshi – Moving soon as Global Vice President-Marketing Excellence , Philips Lighting.

Mr Sumit Joshi will lead Marketing Operations globally for the $9 Billion business. He is the 1st Indian to get into this role.

It is not only the the best students from the entire country who join us and the inspiring faculty members who mentor them, but also the eminent alumni of SIBM, Pune which makes SIBM, Pune a strong brand to reckon.

Dr Ramakrishnan Raman

Director – SIBM, Pune and


Dean – Faculty of Management – SIU