Sunday morning… so a different type of post…

Posted By Shrirang Altekar

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Sunday morning… so a different type of post… saw a Brahma Kamal in bloom yesterday late night, in my daughter’s garden… what a lovely sight!! Why is it so special?

The Brahma Kamal is considered a symbol of purity, enlightenment, and spiritual attainment. In spiritual practices, the Brahma Kamal flower is used in religious ceremonies and rituals. It is believed to have the power to purify the mind and soul and to bring inner peace and serenity….

Our admissions process, ( nothing religious about it ) has been going along so smoothly and so well, that it has indeed brought in peace of mind… no tranquility though ????, as we are in absolute attention mode till the merit lists are actually declared… and we still have 2 days left for the GEPI process to end, today and tomorrow… but there is indeed a quiet sense of satisfaction that the process has been conducted so efficiently so far… objective being, of course, to select the best minds for SIBM Pune….

I must acknowledge here the commitment of our panelists, internal and external. Must state here that 90 % of external panelists are our alumni.. our sincere thanks to all our panelists !!