SIBM Pune launched the 4th leadership and capacity building program today for BPCL, out of a series of 8 that we are conducting for them… at our University’s in-house facility….

Posted By Shrirang Altekar

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Symbiosis has created a wonderful Leadership Development Centre, Sandipani, in the University campus with almost 80 rooms and multiple training halls.. this is a real asset for us, and corporates also prefer having their L and D program in an academic environment… nothing to beat the location of Sandipani with hills and valleys all around ! Add to that the vibrant campus life, and the multiple additional activities we offer like yoga, zumba, etc., and it becomes a complete, wholesome package of learning plus rejuvenation for the participants…

Add to that our excellent faculty and trainers, and the value add becomes complete… full return on investment for the corporate clients.. as one of India’s premier B Schools, we practice what we teach!

It was indeed amazing foresight on the part of our Founder and Chancellor Dr Mujumdar Sir and our Pro Chancellor Dr Vidya Yeravdekar to have conceptualized and given us this facility. Dr R. Raman, as the then Director of SIBM, and now Vice Chancellor, SIU, had also supported the same.. because of which we have this today.. the demand for this is such that even Government organizations prefer to do some of their programs here!

Just as I said, the completion of the GEPI process did not give us any respite… we were back at our regular work with double energy! As I have said, SIBM Pune never slackens pace, nor sleeps!