SIBM – An Experience

Posted By Reema1191

Published On: June 22, 2015Categories: Featured0 Comments on SIBM – An Experience
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It was the 14Th of February; I had the first look at this mesmerizing hill-top institute during my GD-PI process after the SNAP exams and results. I had booked the first slot of the day and luckily had a chance to view the beautiful sunrise from the stairs of the college, (next to the Saraswati Mata’s Idol) .The view had already made my day .It was love at first sight. It was then that I understood and realized why SIBM was always considered among the “most-beautiful” college campuses in India.

MBA in an elite B-School had always been a huge dream for me. Having made it to one of such B-Schools was a matter of pride and sense of accomplishment. However, the climb-up the slopes of the hill to my home for the next 2 years, was when I realized how life will be a real roller-costar for quite some time from now on. I was panicky, anxious and at the same time excited. Excited to meet new roomies, make new friends, and meet who’s who is corporates and so on

I didn’t know however that in no time I will gel so well, so soon with so many people. I have always heard that in these two years we make friends for life and I am already in the process, I feel. It feels wonderful to see myself in the midst of such a variety of students from such varied backgrounds. The stay here has become more interesting knowing the same.

The crazy introductions of batch mates on the initial days were one-of-its- kind experience. So much energy and so much enthusiasm –A sight to see!!The hectic induction programs were top notch I must say!! The eminent members of the Symbiosis International University and various corporate, were extremely motivating to start the bumpy and joyous ride.

It has been just about a fortnight of regular classes and the rigorous schedule seems to have begun already. Within a very short span of just 20 odd days SIBM has already given me so much to cherish and so much to look forward to.

Reema Behera First Year MBA student @ SIBM, Pune