Session by faculty members from Deakin University, Melbourne.

Posted By R Raman

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Deakin University is one of Australia’s fastest growing research universities , with 89% of their research rated at or above world class. Deakin University was formally established in 1974 with the passage of the Deakin University Act 1974. Deakin was Victoria’s fourth university, the first to be established in regional Victoria.

SIBM Pune was delighted to host Dr. Rakesh Pati and  Dr. Niharika Garud for a session for the MBA(Innovation and Entrepreneurship) students at the lavale Campus located in Pune.

The session was on ‘Entrepreneurial Decision Making’ and the MBA (Innovation & Entrepreneurship) found the session to be of great value add. Dr Patil was accompanied by Dr. Niharika Garud, Associate Professor in Management and Director of Engagement at the Department of Management and Marketing, Faculty of Business & Economics at the University of Melbourne.

Dr. Rakesh Pati, is a Senior Lecturer in Management and Deputy Director of Women’s Entrepreneurship Research Alliance (WERA) at Deakin University, Melbourne. He is also Deputy Director of Women’s Entrepreneurship Research Alliance (WERA), a collaborative initiative of Symbiosis and Deakin University. His current research and teaching interests are in the areas of Strategy and Entrepreneurship. He holds extensive experience in research, teaching, industry collaborations, and consulting that spans across USA, Australia, and Asia. His research has been published in top management journals, such as Personnel Psychology, Harvard Business Review, Long Range Planning, R&D Management, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, among others. He has also been awarded various research grants, including a prestigious Fulbright Fellowship. He also actively mentors several entrepreneurs during their inception and growth phases. In his today’s session, he talked about uncertain and unpredictable situations experienced by early-stage ventures. He also touched upon key aspects such as identifying new opportunities, evaluating alternate projects, and looking and reacting to competition and other environmental challenges during uncertain times.

Dr. Niharika Garud is an Associate Professor in Management and Director of Engagement at the Department of Management and Marketing, Faculty of Business & Economics at the University of Melbourne. Dr. Niharika holds a PhD in Management from the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Bangalore and predoctoral research fellowships at Harvard University and Harvard Business School. Her research has been published in top management journals, such as the Journal of Management, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Personnel Psychology, Harvard Business Review, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Entrepreneurship & Regional Development among others. She has won numerous awards, grants and fellowships for research, teaching engagement in USA, Asia, and Australia.

Dr. Rakesh was accompanied by his betterhalf, Dr. Niharika Garud, Associate Professor in Management and Director of Engagement at the Department of Management and Marketing, Faculty of Business & Economics at the University of Melbourne. Dr. Niharika holds a PhD in Management from the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Bangalore and predoctoral research fellowships at Harvard University and Harvard Business School. Her research has been published in top management journals, such as the Journal of Management, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Personnel Psychology, Harvard Business Review, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Entrepreneurship & Regional Development among others. She has won numerous awards, grants and fellowships for research, teaching engagement in USA, Asia, and Australia.

Dr R Raman

Director – SIBM Pune