Mr. Arun Thukral, MD & CEO – Axis Securities, shares his thoughts on Connecting Investor Psychology with Yoga

“Your dreams should be big and scary! If they don’t scare you, they aren’t big enough”, expressed Mr. Arun Thukral, MD & CEO – Axis Securities, while addressing the incumbent batch at SIBM Pune on the topic, ‘Let’s be healthier, wealthier and wiser’. Mr. Thukral elaborated on the importance of equity investment and how it has an edge over other investment avenues like real estate, fixed deposits and gold.
Mr. Arun Thukral is a yoga enthusiast and uses various yogic concepts to explain investor psychology. His book, ‘Yogi on Dalal Street’, has a comprehensive readership among all the B-Schools of the country. He explained the five kleshas of investment, Avidya – ignorance, Asmita – ego, Raga – attachment, Dvesha -aversion and Abhinivesh – fear of loss, that one has to keep in mind before investing. On a concluding note, he encouraged the students to step out of their comfort zones to find their interests. SIBM Pune happy to host Mr. Thukral for an session that gave students an insight into the types of investment avenues.
Dr R Raman
Director – SIBM Pune
Dean – Faculty of Managment – SIU