SIBM, Pune – An experience

Posted By Tejas Kondedeshmukh

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It seems a long time ago now that I had appeared for SNAP, the entrance exam for securing a seat in SIBM(Symbiosis Institute of Business Management), one of the best B schools in India and a premier B school in Pune, my native place. MBA in India is a rat race, going through all the entrance exams, then the GD, the personal interview and after that, finally the offer letter if deemed worthy. Fortunately, I have got selected for the programme in SIBM and it is now a fortnight since the commencement of the MBA 2015-17. Like my batch mates, I feel extremely privileged and proud to be a student of this prestigious institute.

To begin with, the first thing one notices about the Symbiosis International University campus is the scenic and beautiful surroundings coupled with truly outstanding infrastructure (lecture halls, auditorium, library, mess , hostel and sports facilities A+ top notch.) As regards to Mother nature , there is great opportunity for budding poets to write about the clouds, the fog, the rains, the hills, the valleys(trust me, its all here!). In these short 15 days , we have managed to enact a play, sing on stage(this still gives me nightmares but it is all about dar ke aage jeet he!), swim , go to the gym, play football(both on the ground as well as on the road at midnight), participate in the amazing race(Symbi Style)… Today also got up at 6:15 am for the yoga day celebrations conducted at the campus. In short, these few days have resulted in a number of firsts(one of which is writing blogs also!)

Of course, apart from the fun and games, MBA in Symbiosis means a lot of hard work and effort to ensure that we are polished into top managers of the future. There has been a structured pre-induction module for initiating us into MBA(My test performance on this topic was a true shocker though and am sincerely praying for non zero marks). The lectures have started in full swing with top class faculty and it is clear that the learning curve is quite steep.

I am quite sure this is just the beginning of the 2 year slog filled but fun years at this esteemed institute!!

PS :- There will be a continuation.. Stay tuned for the next chapter! Cheers!!

Tejas Kondedeshmukh (First Year MBA Student at SIBM)

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