Don’t tell people your dreams,Show them–SIBM Pune

Posted By divya.bhardwaj17

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They say “Answers lie within you, make sure you end-up where you belong”. The journey started on two years back, when the yearn to understand, passion to learn the other side of world advanced within me. The gap and urge to be the part of league was strenuous to bridge. I decided to give it all, for it is going to be now or never.
The journey was extremely taxing, as I hardly used to take-out time from the dreary, juggling life at job, which was my high-priority. I was performing well on the job front, but I was not revelling in. I realised that the time has come to make the most imperative decision of my life. I thought hard and bravely, I decided to work hard and fight out against all odds to be part of the best B school in India.
I started slogging really hard for the entrance examinations during the first year of my job, but despite of slogging day and night, I barely managed to get 88 percentile as my SNAP score. It was indeed a set-back, but I realised somehow, that there is still more to put-in before I could realise my dreams. As now I hold, when you are competing for something, it is never good to feel contended. The moment you feel that is the moment, your efforts take a backseat. That’s exactly what happened to me. A month before the entrance, I grew confident and was vied and this slackened my preparation. I knew that I could have scored more had my preparation not slackened. This score meant that I was not going to end up in some good college providing MBA in India.
After investing two years of efforts, the day arrived, SNAP entrance examinations. I was anxious, nervous and my eyes were gleamed at the laptop screen. I opened the admit card and saw 99.9 percentile. The feeling of attainment couldn’t sink in. I was dumbfound. The next one month was spent travelling around the country giving interviews at various locations. I did fairly well in all interviews and got admit to the best Bschool in India, SIBM Pune (Symbiosis International University.)
Eventually, I arrived at SIBM pune,on 02nd June,2015. My dream was realized. The redemption was complete.But my experience had taught me that this is just the outset. Looking back, through all these woe, my parents were a huge support for me.They stood by me through thick and thin.They believed in me when nobody else did.I also had an excellent group of friends around me. I would be no one but for these people. So my first insight is to surround yourself with the right people and your job is half done.
They say” Everyone has an ego. At some point, your ego gets hit. The sooner it gets hit, the better for you “mine got hit in 12th standard. What was till then an infallible impression, got dashed overnight. I have learned an influential lesson in life “You are inferior to none. You are superior to none. The moment you started thinking yourself as superior to someone you start losing, similarly the moment you start thinking yourself as inferior, you start giving up”.
Finally, I would like to conclude by the enduring words of Eleanor Roosevelt-“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams
Hence, arouse your light, manifest your dreams. Realize your worth !

-Divya Bhardwaj
MBA,I Year