Joining SIBM, Pune – The Decision Diegesis

Posted By SohamBiswas

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With the room lit in a dim light and a cup of coffee to sip on, a refreshing breeze of the first monsoons, with no immediate hassles to deal with, it was quite an unusual Friday evening for my life at SIBM Pune. The situation somewhat reminded me of some of the evenings of my childhood days when our whole locality used to plunge into darkness due to power cuts at my hometown. Though people used to complain, yet those were some of the moments I cherish even today for the serenity they offered me.

Life has left behind many such memory lanes and moved ahead at an alarming pace that was hard to cope-up with. Clock ticked away and I find myself as a contender of a gigantic marathon of careerists. Their determination to win is as strong as steel. Suddenly I realized that I have been entitled to a never ending struggle for victory. The race is tough but I had no other option but to run. Run till I breath my last.


The accumulated monsoon clouds near the hostel gradually covered up the whole area. The hazy street lights with the cycles standing orphan under it, added a mystery quotient to the ambiance at the campus of the best B-School in town. I felt lost. I felt lost in the crowd of so much talent around. Or am I scared? Am I scared of losing focus and going out of the race?

Then suddenly my chain of thought took a different track. Wait a minute! I am a part of the prestigious Symbiosis International University. That too, doing MBA from SIBM, the best B school through SNAP is not a matter of joke. Isn’t it? I am now associated with the “Cream team” in the circuit of MBA in India.

A sense of optimism gradually cropped in me. At this juncture, leaving the Race cannot be an option. I have to live up to the expectations I have with myself. I have to ride the roller coaster for the coming two years to reach my destination. And with all the amities available for me in this beautiful hill station cum learning hub, I think the ride will be rough but enjoyable.

I looked outside. Clouds have sailed away and I could see stars like diamond studs now. The street lamps are brighter than before. Then I chuckled and said to myself… Yes! I am right. 🙂


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