The Student Clubs (formerly Special Interest Groups) of SIBM Pune | SIBM Blog

The Student Clubs (formerly Special Interest Groups) of SIBM Pune

The Student Clubs (formerly Special Interest Groups) of SIBM Pune including

Vitarka,  (HR)

Mark-o-polo, ( Marketing)

Caff-in (Finance )&

Opcellence ( Operations)

interacted and introduced the clubs to the Juniors and also cleared their queries regarding specializations !

SIBM-IMG_6127-Optimized SIBM-IMG_6131-Optimized SIBM-IMG_6138-Optimized SIBM-IMG_6158-Optimized SIBM-IMG_6159-Optimized SIBM-IMG_6162-Optimized


R Raman

Director – SIBM, Pune


Dean – Faculty of Management- SIU